Listed below are the coaches who have been named for the 2025 season.
Orange - Laskowski, Blue - Warren
Orange - Grubich, Blue - McCall, White - Benavidez
Orange - Tarman, Blue - Tolkson, White - Dexter
Orange - Hernandez, Blue - Orcutt, White - Peterson
Orange - Ramos, Blue - Paradowski
Orange - Waller
8U River Bandits
Becker, Dupont
The purpose of Saint Charles Baseball is to provide a community-based organization for the children of Saint Charles and our surrounding communities. STC Baseball will provide children the opportunity to learn and play the game of baseball in a structured, safe environment while instilling the ideals of good sportsmanship, loyalty, and respect. With the support of the community, we are committed to providing an affordable, team-oriented, and appropriately-competitive baseball experiences (in house, tournament teams and travel teams) that will create lasting memories and friendships.